I guess I should start by saying that my name is Michael and less than two years ago I graduated from college. Back then, as most men are passionate about basketball and also competitive, one of my friends and I decided to a race against each other and see who could be the first one to dunk.
I actually had a little advantage, as I was able to touch the rim, but only with my fingertips. Unfortunately, after a month and a half my friend won the competition: he dunked first.
Even though I lost, I was obviously on the right path, so I decided not to give up. I remember that after about two more weeks I finally made it. Training was a little hard and more than a lot boring, but I was able to focus and the results paid off. I managed to get from a 20 inch leap to a 25 inch leap in about eight weeks (which for a 6 feet tall guy like me is enough to dunk). Fortunately, I managed to add about 15 more inches to that later on, just read on to find out how.
(Click HERE to find out what exercises I used to gain 5-6 extra inches in about 2 months; read on to find out how to achieve that faster.)
Obviously, increasing my leap by 5 inches was great, but I have heard of people gaining as much as 20-25 inches, so I decided to do a little research. I immediately ran into a program that cost about $100, if I recall correctly, that seemed extremely well organized. Unfortunately I couldn't buy it, as the website that handled buying and selling was down at that time. So I kept looking.
This is how I found the program that I was eventually going to buy, which cost about $50 or $60 at that time. After registering I immediately checked the videos (I didn't have the patience to read the whole ebook) and found quite a few new exercises I had never thought of before.
So I began training and sweating, being decided to ask for a refund if the things didn't work out. Thankfully, it did work out. The truth is that after a few months I was able to touch the rim with my elbow, as my leap went up to just a little less than 40 inches.
If you are interested in adding just about 5-6 inches to your leap, then I advise you not to spend your money on any product. Just go with the exercises I explained and you should some results in a couple of months.
But if you are committed and want to get a 40 inches leap, I recommend you go get yourself such a program (I actually didn't make it to 40 inches, I stopped at about 38. Still good, though). The program I chose, Jumping Manual, contains quite a bit of information (even unnecessary from time to time), videos on every type of exercise and an organized schedule you can work with (it basically explains what kind of exercises must be tried at what stage in your training).
At this time, this guide costs $50 and is the cheapest among the other high rated programs (there are actually two more trustful programs that offer about the same benefits, but they both cost $100).
Because the company that promotes Jumping Manual is having a lot of sales, a few real trainers were employed to offer free online support for its members. I personally never contacted them, but I plan to, just to see how good they really are :D
Bottom line, if you want to jump about 5 inches higher, just go through the exercises I presented above, on a regular basis. On the other side, if you have greater dreams and simple dunks are not enough for you, I recommend you spend a few bucks on Jumping Manual. I personally am more than a little thankful to them.