The First 2 Months of Training

Here are some of the exercises I used in my 2 months training:

1. The one I consider to be the most effective is called "Split Scissors". What you have to do is to put one foot in front of the other, at a distance of about 2 feet, and jump as high as you can, changing the position of your legs (the front one becomes the rear one). You can start by doing this 10 times in a row and increase this number once your body gets used to it. As a tip, make sure you use your hands while doing this.

2. In order to do this second exercise, you must have a step stool, a weight bench, or anything like that. The idea is to get from one side of the step stool to the other very quickly. Just place the step stool at your left and start by putting your left foot on it. Get your right foot on as well, but quickly move your left one down the stool. Now get your left foot on the step stool again and let your right foot down. Do this as quickly as you can, spending as least time as possible on the ground.

3. Well, this last one is not really an exercise, but it sure helped me jump higher. What you need to do is to lose some weight, in case you are not a very fit person. I personally was a little fat back in college, so I had some place to start from. I remember I got from 180 pounds to about 170 pounds during training, and I guess this helped me quite a bit.

Again, these exercises only helped me gain a few inches, which is anyway good. Click HERE to go to the previous page and find out how I managed to increase my vertical jump even more and faster.